Education, Science and Culture Committee
Members of the Committee:
- Vytautas Juozapaitis, Chair, Lithuania
- Dagmāra Beitnere-Le Galla, Vice Chair, Latvia
- Signe Kivi, Vice Chair, Estonia
- Artūras Žukauskas, Member, Lithuania
- Iveta Benhena-Bēkena, Member, Latvia
- Aigars Bikše, Member, Latvia
- Janīna Kursīte-Pakule, Member, Latvia
- Helle-Moonika Helme, Member, Estonia
Priorities of the Committee in 2021 under the Lithuanian presidency:
- Strategic partnerships in education and science: conclusions from crisis and need for more joint research and gathering of data
- Baltic Road Map 2030: how ready is our cooperation in times of crisis?
- Employment and labour market
- Cross-border cultural cooperation of the Baltic States
- Common information network of the Baltic States
- Space systems, space-based technologies (research, joint projects, pooling of resources, satellite programmes)
Implementation of the recommendations of the Baltic Assembly:
- Joint science and research projects of the Baltic States
- Cooperation in higher and vocational education and training (joint study programmes and projects)
- New Memorandum of Understanding on Closer Cooperation of the Baltic States in Higher Education, Research and Innovation
- Translation and publication of the works of the BA Prize winners
- Cultural cooperation and minimising environmental footprint
Priorities of the Committee for 2016-2020:
Priorities of the Education, Science and Culture Committee of the Baltic Assembly for 2016 – 2020 (download)