Sessions of the Baltic Assembly

31st Session on 9 November 2012 in Vilnius

On 8-9 November 2012 in Vilnius (Lithuania), parliamentarians and governmental representatives of the Baltic States met for the 31st Session of the Baltic Assembly to discuss current affairs and cooperation of the Baltic States. 

The 31st Session of the Baltic Assembly and the 18th Baltic Council focused on governmental reports tackling three topical issues: 1) actions to ensure regulative and supervisory cooperation mechanisms of the Nordic and Baltic financial markets. The issue of integrated and stable financial markets of the Baltic and Nordic countries has been profoundly discussed in the Baltic Assembly, and common financial stability concerns stemming from the potentially systemic inter-linkages between countries have been recognized, justifying enhanced cooperation in financial crisis prevention, management and resolution. 2) focus was on the Baltic cooperation in developing joint external economic policy and joint investment projects emphasizing the need for more joint and coordinated approaches of the Baltic States. Thirdly, the issue of current and future Baltic health-care projects, which was initiated by the Baltic Assembly, and stands out as a regional success story in the area of health care. 3) in addition to the governmental reports, the second part of the Session will focus on the topic of optimizing Baltic interests in the European Union: presidencies of the EU Council. 

On 8 November 2012 the Baltic Assembly Medal awarding ceremony took place. It is the tradition of the Baltic Assembly to award this medal for those people who have showed outstanding contribution in strengthening the Baltic unity and supporting the cooperation of the Baltic States. However, on 9 November 2012 all participants of the Session were invited to the ceremony where the Baltic Assembly Prizes for Literature, the Arts and Science, as well the Baltic Innovation Prize were awarded. 

Programme of the Session here

Documents adopted during the Session

Final Document  (download)
Resolution  (download)
Statement on the Forthcoming Baltic States' Presidencies of the Council of the European Union  (download)
Decision on the Amendments to the Statutes on the Baltic Assembly prizes for Literature, the Arts and Science  (download)

Minutes of the 38th Session of the Baltic Assembly here