Sessions of the Baltic Assembly

33rd Session on 23-24 October 2014 in Tallinn

Baltic parliamentarians convened in Tallinn for the 33rd Session of the Baltic Assembly and the 20th of the Baltic Council. The 33rd Session of the Baltic Assembly and the 20th Baltic Council was held on 23 – 24 October 2014 in Tallinn.

On the agenda of the 33rd Session of the Baltic Assembly the following issues were discussed: 1) digital signatures; 2) development of transport and infrastructure in the Region; 3) EU Eastern Partnership; 4) safe societies and regional security (defence capabilities, soft power, pooling and sharing).

The 33rd Session was opened by Laine Randjärv, President of the Baltic Assembly, and Speakers of the national parliaments of the Baltic States – H.E. Mr. Eiki Nestor, President of the Riigikogu; H.E. Mrs. Loreta Graužinienė, Speaker of the Seimas and H.E.Mrs. Solvita Āboltiņa, Speaker of the Saeima.

By opening the 33rd Session, Laine Randjärv, President of the Baltic Assembly, underlined: "I think that current geopolitical developments have clear reflection on the agenda of the Baltic Assembly Session. Beside debates about our cooperation in transport and infrastructure, health care and research, energy sector and digital market, today we will focus our parliamentary debate also on the regional security, defence capabilities, soft power and the EU Eastern Partnership."

Within the framework of the Session, winners of the first place of the essay competition for secondary school pupils "What does the Baltic Way mean to me?" were awarded with the diplomas.

Within the framework of the Session, the 20th Baltic Council was held. During the Baltic Council, Urmas Paet, Minister for Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Estonia; Neris Germanas, Deputy Minister for Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Lithuania; and Dace Melbārde, Minister for Culture of the Republic of Latvia discussed the cooperation of the Baltic States.

The 2014 is marked by significant events for the Baltic States - the 25th anniversary of the Baltic Way and the 20th anniversary of the Baltic Assembly Prizes for Literature, the Arts and Science. During the Session, the Baltic Assembly awarded its prizes for literature, the arts and science, the Baltic Innovation Prize as well as medals for strengthening the unity of the Baltic States. This year, the Prize for Literature were awarded to Peeter Sauter, the Prize for the Arts - to Alvis Hermanis, and the Prize for Science - to Vidas Gražulevičius. The Baltic Innovation Prize was awarded to the company "TransferWise Eesti filial" from Estonia, but "Silvanols" from Latvia and "Rubedo Sistemos" from Lithuania received diplomas.

Programme of the Session here

Documents adopted during the Session

Final Document (download)
Resolution (download)
Joint Statement of the 20th Baltic Council (download)
Decision on the Secretary General of the Baltic Assembly (download)
Decision on the Amendments to the Baltic Assembly Statutes (download)
Baltic Assembly Statutes (download)
Decision on the Regulations in Regard to the Composition of the Estonian Delegation to the Baltic Assembly for the Period of 2015–2019 (download)
Baltic Assembly Appeal to the European Commission on Support for Milk Producers of the Baltic States (download)

Report of the 33nd Session of the Baltic Assembly here

Opening of the Session

During the press conference of the 33rd Session of the Baltic Assembly and the 20th of the Baltic Council

Press conference of the Session

 © Photos by the Secretariat of the Riigikogu