Sessions of the Baltic Assembly

30th Session on 24-25 November 2011 in Tallinn

On 24-25 November 2011, 30th Session of the Baltic Assembly and the 17th Baltic Council took place in Tallinn (Estonia). The 30th Session of the Baltic Assembly was an occasion to mark the 20th anniversary of the Baltic Assembly – the fruitful parliamentary cooperation between the Baltic States since 8 November 1991.

The 30th Session of the Baltic Assembly and the 17th Baltic Council concentrated on three topical subjects. During the previous and the current year the Baltic Assembly, by initiation of the Social Affairs Committee, together with national governments had thoroughly scrutinized the issue of developing joint, high-quality and cost-effective health care projects in the Baltic States. As a result the Task Force for Health of the Baltic Council of Ministers was formed with the mandate to analyze efficiency of the following establishments: a common system for state-funded procurement of medicines and medicinal equipment, joint specialized medical centers, a joint system for human organ transplant, a common sperm bank, and a joint system for coordination of emergency help in border towns. Summarizing this work and in order to set directions for future activities in the sphere, the first part of the Session provided a report on the work of the Baltic Council of Ministers’ Task Force for Health.

The second part of the Session focused on the topic of sustainable energy market in the region. Despite the joining the EU in 2004 the Baltic States were still fragmented in terms of energy interconnectivity. With unsolved puzzle of integrated energy market, incorporating joint connections for energy, transport, railroad and electricity, the Baltic States are continuously confronted with challenging decisions and tasks to solve the problem of being energy islands in the region.

Third panel of the Session provided the governmental report on the progress of joint infrastructure projects in the region.

On 24 November participants of the Session were invited to the concert devoted to the 20th anniversary of the Baltic Assembly. During the event the Prize Awarding Ceremony of the Baltic Assembly too place, where Prize in Literature, the Arts and Science, as well as the Baltic Innovation Prize – for the very first time – were awarded

Programme of the Session here

Documents adopted during the Session

Final Document  (download)
Resolution  (download)
Statement on the 20th Anniversary of the Baltic Assembly and the Perspectives of Cooperation  (download)
Decision on Amendment to the Baltic Assembly Statutes  (download)
Baltic Assembly Statutes  (download)

Minutes of the 30th Session of the Baltic Assembly here