
Lithuania taking over the Presidency in the Baltic Assembly

In 2021, Lithuania is taking over the Presidency in the Baltic Assembly and the Baltic Council of Ministers.

The Lithuanian Presidency will focus on making the Baltic Region stronger, analysing lessons learned and acting together to strengthen the growth of the Baltic states. Motto of the Presidency "Together we are Stronger" and it confirms the strategic orientation of the Lithuanian Presidency.

The priorities of the Baltic Assembly in 2021:

  • Economic and social stabilisation of the Baltic states
  • Strong security and defence community
  • Interconnected energy and transport networks
  • Safe societies and quality of life

During 2021, President of the Baltic Assembly is Andrius Kupčinskas. The Economics, Energy and Innovation Committee is chaired by Kęstutis Masiulis, the Education, Science and Culture Committee by Vytautas Juozapaitis, the Health, Welfare and Family Committee by Antanas Vinkus, the Natural Resources and Environment Committee by Ligita Girskienė and the Security and Defence Committee by Giedrius Surplys.

More information about the Lithuanian Presidency here and about the newly elected delegation here.

President of the Baltic Assembly Andrius Kupčinskas

© Photo by the Parliament of the Republic of Lithuania