Sessions of the Baltic Assembly

15th Session on 2-4 December 1999 in Riga

On 2-4 December 1999, the 15th Session of the Baltic Assembly took place in Riga (Latvia).

Documents adopted during the Session

Final Document (download)
Resolution on the Procedure for Imposing Excise Taxes in the Baltic States (download)
Resolution on a Coordinated Agricultural Policy (download)
Resolution on the Development of Transborder Cooperation (download)
Resolution on the Cooperation of the Parliaments of the Baltic States with the U.S. Congress (download)
Resolution Regarding the Situation in the Caucasus (download)
Resolution Concerning Preservation of Ethnic Culture in Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania (download)
Resolution Concerning the Return of Personal Files of Political Prisoners and Deportees (download)
Resolution on the Maintenance of Graves or Grave Sites of the Residents of the Baltic States Who Had Been Subjected to Repression (download)
Regulations on the Use of Baltic Assembly Funds (download)
Regulations on the Flag of the Baltic Assembly (download)
Regulations on the Symbols of the Baltic Assembly (download)