
Benelux, Baltic and Nordic parliamentarians believe that cooperation is the key in fight against COVID-19

On 11 December 2020, the Plenary Session of the Benelux Parliament was held and members of the Baltic Assembly joined the Session digitally. 

During the Session, parliamentarians discussed international cooperation in the fight against COVID-19. Parliamentarians noted that the countries should not act alone as cooperation in the fight against COVID-19 is of essence. In the discussion, parliamentarians highlighted the need to pay more attention to vulnerable groups, such as people with other diseases or disabilities, illiterate people, the self-employed and other groups that tend to be more affected by the pandemic than the general public. 

It was also pointed out that in future countries will overcome the COVID-19 crisis; however, in a few years something similar may occur, therefore it is important to prepare for future crisis as well. 

President of the Baltic Assembly Aadu Must said: "Cooperation of the Baltic states with each other and with other countries outside the "Baltic bubble" is a key to success. By uniting the efforts, the countries can overcome these challenging times. We are close allies and our strength lies in cooperation."

Benelux Session on 11 December (photo by the Chamber of Deputies of Luxembourg)